Web Part: Jetfire Form Maker

Modified on 2011/04/25 23:36 by Charles — Categorized as: Jetfire Web Part, Web Parts

Designing with Form Maker

Designing with Form Maker

Jetfire Form Maker Web Part

The Jetfire Form Maker Web Part can be used to build forms, quizes and surveys. It is a visual designer that is used to auto-generate Jetfire code that is automatically ready to deploy.


The Web Part is accessed from the Jetfire Forms Web Part Library.

Example using Form Maker

To create a form, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) If the Show Existing Classes option is selected, then the user will see a list of Namespaces from which to pick an existing Jetfire Code Class. If the user selects the Namespace and Class name, this Jetfire Code Class is displayed in FormMaker. (The image to the right shows this option.)

  2. Define the properties of the form. (This may also be questions for a survey or quiz.)
    • Add a property (question)
    • Enter the name of the property
    • Enter the type of input expected from the user
    • Repeat until all properties are added

  3. Define a Form Folder Name and Form Name for the form.

  4. Save the form.
    • If there are errors, correct the errors and save the form again.
    • If there are no errors, the form is ready to use.

Note: In this example, the Form Folder name and Form Name are the same as the original Jetfire code class. In this case, the user is warned that the form will overwrite this Jetfire code class when the form is saved. If this is your intention, then continue with this name. A new version of the Jetfire code class is created.

Review the Jetfire Code Life Cycle to see how Form Maker deploys forms.

Form Maker Editor

Form Maker Editor

Edit Properties for the Web Part

To configure the FormMaker Web Part, you must be logged into COR. Edit the Web Part to view the Configuration attributes list. These are used to customize the look and feel of Form Maker.